Thursday, July 29, 2010

There's No Place Like Home...

Soooo, I am home! Ahhh! What an amazing week! I already miss all of my girls! We had so much fun...I am gonna miss being with everyone! The flight home was good...a little delayed, but that's okay. My parents picked me up and when I got in and I filled them in on all of the details about the competition and overall trip. Then I went to bed and slept like a baby!! I would like to thank God, without Him, this entire experience would have never been...certainly no one could have thought of the plan He made. Also, thank you to Mrs. Dawn for all of the meals you bought...and the countless hours you put into rehearsing with me. Thank you to Mrs. Caselle for helping me better my public speaking abilities. Thank you to Mrs. Wanda...for prepping me for the trip, and for your words of encouragement. Thank you to my parents, 7 brothers, and best friends! Mom and dad, your support has carried me through this entire process...thank you for taking me gown shopping and taking time to run me to and from rehearsals. To my bro's and besties...your amazing! your encouragement and support has meant the world to me. Thank you Mrs. McCreary for altering my gown and making it beautiful! I love all of you and your help and support has gotten me this far! Thanks a million! Love ya'll!

Sunday, July 25, 2010


Sooo, last night's competition was absolutely incredible. We were at rehearsal from 11am-to the start of the show@ 7:45pm. We practiced, stretched, ate lunch, and got our hair done. Then, before we knew it, it was showtime! I changed into my "what you want to be when you grow up" costume, and we were on the stage for the parade of states and countries. That went really well. I was more animated than the night before and I didn't forget anything. So, I felt good about that. Then, the top 10 finalists were announced. I really believed that I would make top 10. So, as they called the others names, I wasn't even nervous. Miss DC, Miss North Carolina, Miss Virginia, Miss...Florida!! I was sooo happy! I had been praying that I would make the top 10 b/c that would mean another chance to perform my talent, walk, answer, and give my speech! YAYY! Then, we all walked off stage and prepared for our first segment:personality and appearence. We also had to answer a question. So, I was number 4. I walked out, did my speech and it was awesome! I was clear, didn't studder, and didn't forget anything. Then, they asked me, "Mary, tell us why you would like to major in physical therapy." I said "I would like to major in physical therapy because I believe it is beneficial to people to understand how their bodies function. I would one day like to become a physical therapist to help people learn more about their bodies!" hahaha! I wasn't so happy about how I said the last sentance, I knew what I wanted to say, it just came our wrong. But, I didn't studder, I just said it, and it sounded fine. After that, I walked off stage and went to my dressing room where I changed into my talent costume: a royal blue tutu. I put my hair up in a bun, because it was down and curly before. Then, when I was done, I went back up to the wings and stretched and warmed up, and prayed. When it was time for my talent, I was ready. I made my entrance, and began. I felt really great about how the entire piece went. My leap was much better, the last pose was strong, and I nailed my double pirouette...which was something I failed to do in preliminaries. I was very pleased with how I performed. I know that I did my best, I felt like my dance was solid and that my performance was fierce! I know that I did all that I could. Afterwards, I went back down to the dressing rooms, changed into my "Cinderella" gown, shoes, and slip. Then I went back to the hair lady and had her re-curl my hair. The next section was appearence. I did my walk. I thought it went really well. I felt very poised. Next, the R&B recording artist "Omarion" performed. Afterwards,the top 10 did their walk, we had a gown number so the audience could see everyone's dresses. It was sooo pretty and was set to "I Believe" by Fantasia. Then, awards were given (miss congeniality, personality, creativity, photogenic). Then, it was time to call the names of the final 5. Miss DC, Miss Virginia, Miss Georgia, Miss New Jersey, and Miss North Carolina. When I didn't hear my name, I was of course dissapointed. 4th runner up went to Va, 3rd to New Jersey, 2nd to Georgia, and 1st to DC. Miss North Carolina won! She performed an incredible contemporary dance piece. I believe that the judging was right. The 5 finalists were definitely in their places. Incase your wondering, I did cry! haha! But only briefly...then I was okay. I wanted to be in the top 5 but that's okay. I know that it wasn't my time. I did my best and I have no regrets about the competition. Just because I wasn't a finalist doesn't mean that I can't go on to do great things. I believe that God will open the doors for me. This isn't the last great opportunity I will have. I am still a little disapointed, but I accept what was given to me. I made the top 10! That really means a lot to me. It is an incredible feeling knowing that I made it that far. Afterwards, I was interviewed by one of Bermuda's local tv news channels! That was really cool. I said my name, age, what state I was from, and what this week and experience has been like for me! Then, I went to the dressing room and changed and gathered my stuff. All of the girls rode back on the bus together. We got back to our room and I started organizng and packing. I was up until 3am packing! Today, I woke up at 7, and ate breakfast. I am going to leave this Bermudiful island in just a little while:(
This experience has been so incredible for me. I have grown as a dancer, an artist, and as a person. I have been inspired by everyone here and have made some awesome friends! I am so much more confident in who I am. I have been able to do some really neat things. For one, this competition and coming to Bermuda. I got to do a local tv news interview, and sooo much more. This has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life and I will never forget it. I may not have won the title, but I have won in other ways! I am going to miss this place and all of the talented, beautiful and great girls I have met. I am so thankful to God for awarding me this unique opportunity. I feel sooo BLESSED.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

This It It!

This morning I got to sleep in! It felt sooo great! Then, I had a really good breakfast and gathered all of the my things for tonight (tutu, shoes, makeup, gown, slip!). I go to the theatre in about 5 minutes. I am there until the show starts at 7pm. We will rehearse, do hair and makeup, stretch...and all that jazz! I am hoping to make the top 10 tonight. If I do, I will get to walk, say my speech and do my talent. I really feel confident about last night's performance. Everything seemed to go well. I have really felt and appreciated all of the prayers. I have definitely felt God near to me. Sad this will be the last night. It has been one of the most rewarding experiences! Don't want to leave tomorrow, but excited to see my family and tell them everything! It has been a most amazing week. Please keep praying for me tonight. Pray that I will make the top 10, and that if I do, I will be the best I can be! Whatever happens though, I am truly grateful for this experience and I have loved being myself and performing what I do best! Keep praying and wish me luck!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Today Is the Day!

Here we gooo...this is it! Today is the preliminary competition! Tonight I will be walking, giving my 20 second speech, and performing my talent. How well I do tonight will determine wheather or not I move on to the top 10 tomorrow night. If I do, I will walk, give my speech, and perform my talent tomorrow night for the finals. Please pray that all goes well today. Pray that I will radiate God's light in my face and through my actions...on stage and off. Pray that I will have no injuries. Pray that I will not forget any of my speech, and that it will flow and be clear. Pray that on my walking, I am able to be graceful and keep smiling! Pray that on my talent, I will not mess up, I will do it better than ever before, and that my performance will be something that it authentic and memorable. But most of all, pray that the judges and audience will be able to see my heart and my intentions. I want to be able to have fun doing what I love, and to leave knowing that I gave my all and put my heart into the performance. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE keep praying for me! Thank you and love you all! I will give it my all out there tonight!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

I'm Lovin' It!

Today, July 22, was a most awesome day! I was really tired this morning. Set the alarm till 6...and then accidentaly overslept until after 7! Woops! I went to eat breakfast. Our breakfasts here consist of cresants, yogurt, and miniature muffins. The recent additions to the table have been cereal boxes and fruit! Everyone was sooo excited to eat cereal after eating cressants for 5 days! HAHA! First rehearsal was at 8. It went good. Then, I came back to my room organized my stuff and got ready to go to the theatre where the competition will be held on Saturday night. The stage is big and really great. We finished the production number and the parade of states and countries! Woohoo! We were only there for a couple of hours before we had to make our way back to the hotel. Then...when we got back, I showered, and got ready for a night of partying! I wore a beautiful navy sequiny dress with my stellar Florida sash! The party was the Shooting Stars Awards for the competition. They do it every year. So, we ate a delicous dinner, then listened to a few speeches, and awards were given. Then, all of the contestants came to the mic and said who they were, age, where they represented, and what their talent was. Then we took some pictures and then...We danced! All of the contestants (including myself!) were burning up the dance floor! It was sooo much fun! I am going to be really sad when this week is over. It has been an incredible time so far. I have put in a lot of work, but I have also had a blast. I have really started to make relationships with all of the girls. And we will all definitely be staying in touch. I love this atmosphere! I am constantly surrounded by some of the most incredible artists I have ever met. They are all insanely talented. They all encourage one another and believe that each other will make it big. The contestants have inspired me so much, and I will never ever forget this opportunity. It feels so sureal to be here. But, I thank God for this opportunity. Without Him, I would not be here. He has graciously given me this wonderful opportunity. I am so incredibly blessed to have experienced this. Thank you Jesus! I feel like I have been a light for him as well. This has been an incredibe journey so far, and I know that this is not the end of it. This is the begining and I believe God has so much more in store for me. I cannot wait to find out what it is. He has answered my prayers with allowing me to come here to Bermuda, showcase my talent, recieve extra training, and be with people that understand me and support my ambitions. They all have similar goals and everyone shares a mutual passion for the performing arts. I love it here!

We're Girls: We Eat and We Shop

Yesterday I had practice in the morning for a few hours. Then, I came back to the hotel and got ready for the next outing. All of the contestants went to the Bonefish Grill where we were treated to tasty foods like fish, salad, vegetables, potatoes, pasta, and cheesecake...YUMMY! We all just had fun eating and chatting at the tables. Then, we took a little train to the tourist shopping areas. Everyone went inside of the stores. I bought a beautiful pink wrap skirt with cool designs on it! I love it! Soooo, we ate and shopped yesterday. Then we headed back to the hotel. I stretched and warmed up my feet. Later, we had our next rehearsal which was a little hectic but it still went pretty well. We have completely finished our production number and are now working on our parade of states and country's number. That is where we all dress up as what we would like to be when we get older and do some basic movement to show our costumes, then come up to the mic and thank whoever inspired us to do what we do. My costume is a pink and black tutu, with a silver wind up key. It is adorable thanks to my amazing mom and mrs. Skinner! Thanks!Later, I went to my next rehearsal which lasted until about 11 or so. Then I rehearsed my piece until 12! I was sooo tired by the end of the day!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Partying With My Girls!

July 20.
Today, after waking up at 6am...5am in florida time, I reset the alarm clock for 6:30!! Then, I had a rehearsal from 8-llam. We're almost finished with the production number! Then, I came back to my room and got ready for the exciting day ahead. We got to get out on the island again today. We went to clearwater beach which was absolutely gorgeous. There are tons of rocks, the water is turquoise, and the sand is white! Much prettier than the Florida beaches. We also ate lunch at Gombey's, rice, rolls, potatoe salad, and all the other good stuff! Then, we all went the Atlantic Ocean! It felt so good. The water was sooo refreshing! We played games and just had a good time. Then, we drove a bit to take a tour of The Crystal Caves. The cave is about 80-100 feet under the earths surface and has tons of thick and thin frozen crystals hanging from the ceiling. It was breathtaking. I definitely took pictures! Sooo, today was definitely a good day. Lot's of fun. Now I am back at the hotel, fixing to shower and rest until my next rehearsal at 7pm. Can't wait for tomorrow!

Metting the Premier, Lunch, Sightseeing, Interviewers...

Since I got here on Saturyday, my days and nights have been filled with mostly rehearsals. I am getting to know all of the girls better and we are all having fun. Yesterday was the first time I got to get out of the hotel since I checked in! All of the contestants went to Greg's Steakhouse for lunch. The girls at my table talked to a Bermudan woman who worked for one of the newspapers. She asked us questions and had us answer them into a recorder! Then, we met the Premier of Bermuda. He is kind of like the governor/president of Bermuda. I got to meet him and take a picture with him. I also got to meet the legenday Mr. Hal Jackson for the first time as well! I took my picutre with him. He is sooo sweet! Then, after lunch, we went on a bus tour of Bermuda. When that was all over, we went back to the hotel, and I stretched, and practiced my speech and dance. Then, I showered and got ready for my next rehearsal which ran from 7-11pm. It went really good. The dance is looking great and we are almost finished learning it. After that, I came back to my room, put my huge slip and "Cinderella" gown on and practiced walking. Then, I finally got to go to bed at 12:20ish after a long day!

July 20
Today, I woke up at 6ish. Just got back from eating some breakfast. And now I am going to rehearsal from 8-11am. After that, I will come back to the hotel and get ready because today, we are all hitting the beach for a party! Then, we get to take a tour of The Crystal Caves! So excited for that. So far, the week has been going good. I will write more about my day later.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Goodbye Florida, hello Bermuda!

So we (Mrs. Dawn and I) made it safely to Bermuda on July 17, 2010. I had to wake up at 4am! Flights were good. Later in the afternoon, we checked into the Fairmont Southhamptom Princess Resort. It is beautiful! In the taxi on the way to the hotel, I got a chance to see some of the scenery! So far, the little that I have seen has definitely impressed me.
After arriving at our hotel, the first thing we did before checking into our room was talent, speech, and gown check, All were approved! (Thank You Team FL) During that few minutes, I also had a chance to meet some of the competition faculty (choroegrapher, directors, photographers). After that, we checked into our room. It is nice, with a balcony, walk in closet and...I got my own bed! After unpacking my many belongings, I went to my first rehearsal where I met a lot of the other girls: Miss Deleware, Miss Georgia, Miss Louisiana...and so on. Oh, and I got to meet last year's winner, Bryanna Guadalupe! They were all very nice! During the rehearsal, we practiced our production number, which has to do with "40 years, moving forward and giving thanks," that is this years international theme.

The music we are dancing to is a mix of songs from the 70's, 80's, 90's and toda. Our piece is high energy and allows each girl to put in their own flair to the movement. The choreographer is Keisha Clark, she is so sweet! So, my first rehearsal lasted from 7pm until 11pm. I was absolutely exhausted when I was done. After waking up before 4am and traveling all day, all I wanted to do was crawl into my bed! After rehearsal, I came back to my room, showered and practiced my speech and dance a few times. Then I FINALLY got to go to bed.

July 18
I woke up the next morning at 6am. We went and got breakfast, then went to our first rehearsal of the day. It was from 8am-1pm. That rehearsal went great. Afterwards, I came back to my room, practiced my speech and stretched! Then, from 3-6, we had rehearsal and a get to know each other party where we just had fun and exchanged gifts from our state or country. So, now you are up to date on my adventure thus far! I will continue to blog about my activities and experiences here! So, I will keep you posted. until the next exciting thing happens...