Thursday, July 29, 2010

There's No Place Like Home...

Soooo, I am home! Ahhh! What an amazing week! I already miss all of my girls! We had so much fun...I am gonna miss being with everyone! The flight home was good...a little delayed, but that's okay. My parents picked me up and when I got in and I filled them in on all of the details about the competition and overall trip. Then I went to bed and slept like a baby!! I would like to thank God, without Him, this entire experience would have never been...certainly no one could have thought of the plan He made. Also, thank you to Mrs. Dawn for all of the meals you bought...and the countless hours you put into rehearsing with me. Thank you to Mrs. Caselle for helping me better my public speaking abilities. Thank you to Mrs. Wanda...for prepping me for the trip, and for your words of encouragement. Thank you to my parents, 7 brothers, and best friends! Mom and dad, your support has carried me through this entire process...thank you for taking me gown shopping and taking time to run me to and from rehearsals. To my bro's and besties...your amazing! your encouragement and support has meant the world to me. Thank you Mrs. McCreary for altering my gown and making it beautiful! I love all of you and your help and support has gotten me this far! Thanks a million! Love ya'll!

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