Thursday, July 22, 2010

I'm Lovin' It!

Today, July 22, was a most awesome day! I was really tired this morning. Set the alarm till 6...and then accidentaly overslept until after 7! Woops! I went to eat breakfast. Our breakfasts here consist of cresants, yogurt, and miniature muffins. The recent additions to the table have been cereal boxes and fruit! Everyone was sooo excited to eat cereal after eating cressants for 5 days! HAHA! First rehearsal was at 8. It went good. Then, I came back to my room organized my stuff and got ready to go to the theatre where the competition will be held on Saturday night. The stage is big and really great. We finished the production number and the parade of states and countries! Woohoo! We were only there for a couple of hours before we had to make our way back to the hotel. Then...when we got back, I showered, and got ready for a night of partying! I wore a beautiful navy sequiny dress with my stellar Florida sash! The party was the Shooting Stars Awards for the competition. They do it every year. So, we ate a delicous dinner, then listened to a few speeches, and awards were given. Then, all of the contestants came to the mic and said who they were, age, where they represented, and what their talent was. Then we took some pictures and then...We danced! All of the contestants (including myself!) were burning up the dance floor! It was sooo much fun! I am going to be really sad when this week is over. It has been an incredible time so far. I have put in a lot of work, but I have also had a blast. I have really started to make relationships with all of the girls. And we will all definitely be staying in touch. I love this atmosphere! I am constantly surrounded by some of the most incredible artists I have ever met. They are all insanely talented. They all encourage one another and believe that each other will make it big. The contestants have inspired me so much, and I will never ever forget this opportunity. It feels so sureal to be here. But, I thank God for this opportunity. Without Him, I would not be here. He has graciously given me this wonderful opportunity. I am so incredibly blessed to have experienced this. Thank you Jesus! I feel like I have been a light for him as well. This has been an incredibe journey so far, and I know that this is not the end of it. This is the begining and I believe God has so much more in store for me. I cannot wait to find out what it is. He has answered my prayers with allowing me to come here to Bermuda, showcase my talent, recieve extra training, and be with people that understand me and support my ambitions. They all have similar goals and everyone shares a mutual passion for the performing arts. I love it here!

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