Sunday, July 18, 2010

Goodbye Florida, hello Bermuda!

So we (Mrs. Dawn and I) made it safely to Bermuda on July 17, 2010. I had to wake up at 4am! Flights were good. Later in the afternoon, we checked into the Fairmont Southhamptom Princess Resort. It is beautiful! In the taxi on the way to the hotel, I got a chance to see some of the scenery! So far, the little that I have seen has definitely impressed me.
After arriving at our hotel, the first thing we did before checking into our room was talent, speech, and gown check, All were approved! (Thank You Team FL) During that few minutes, I also had a chance to meet some of the competition faculty (choroegrapher, directors, photographers). After that, we checked into our room. It is nice, with a balcony, walk in closet and...I got my own bed! After unpacking my many belongings, I went to my first rehearsal where I met a lot of the other girls: Miss Deleware, Miss Georgia, Miss Louisiana...and so on. Oh, and I got to meet last year's winner, Bryanna Guadalupe! They were all very nice! During the rehearsal, we practiced our production number, which has to do with "40 years, moving forward and giving thanks," that is this years international theme.

The music we are dancing to is a mix of songs from the 70's, 80's, 90's and toda. Our piece is high energy and allows each girl to put in their own flair to the movement. The choreographer is Keisha Clark, she is so sweet! So, my first rehearsal lasted from 7pm until 11pm. I was absolutely exhausted when I was done. After waking up before 4am and traveling all day, all I wanted to do was crawl into my bed! After rehearsal, I came back to my room, showered and practiced my speech and dance a few times. Then I FINALLY got to go to bed.

July 18
I woke up the next morning at 6am. We went and got breakfast, then went to our first rehearsal of the day. It was from 8am-1pm. That rehearsal went great. Afterwards, I came back to my room, practiced my speech and stretched! Then, from 3-6, we had rehearsal and a get to know each other party where we just had fun and exchanged gifts from our state or country. So, now you are up to date on my adventure thus far! I will continue to blog about my activities and experiences here! So, I will keep you posted. until the next exciting thing happens...


  1. Mary, I'm so glad you are blogging this experience! :) I'm so excited that you have this opportunity and I know you will do great! We love you and are cheering you on in TN!! :)

  2. Great blog! Can't believe you are there and we are here. We are proud of you and praying for you. Go MK!

  3. This is such a great experience for you! We are all so proud of you and what God is doing through you! So glad you are blogging and sharing this with us!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Yay Mary....we're so proud of you! Soak up every second and enjoy all the people God puts in your path. We'll be following your blog and praying for you. Mrs. Caruso & Kaylyn

  6. What a wonderful opportunity for you! I am praying for you! Keep working hard and have fun!

  7. Mary K, we are so proud of you. This experience will remain with you the rest of your life. Keep up the hard work, but remember to take a moment out of each day to appreciate and remember your good fortune... Keep up the good work and God Bless... The Momentum Team...

  8. Mary, I'm so excited for you and know that you will do amazing! Remember to enjoy yourself and enjoy the hard work and all that you are putting into this! :)
